Our Environmental Promise

Involution Ltd specialises in the supply, decoration and stockholding of corporate workwear and clothing, PPE, POS and merchandise with expert quality print, embroidery and branding services. We take pride in our services, delivered by our experienced team who utilise fully accountable work processes following written procedures and defined checks incorporated. Committed to the continuous improvement of processes in all aspects of the business, Involution Ltd works to enhance and offer environmentally friendly solutions for our customers, committed to the care of the environment and the prevention of pollution.

Throughout our operations, we utilise recycled and biodegradable material where possible, with an in-house production process to proactively minimise our carbon footprint. Across 95% of our clothing, Involution Ltd uses 20% post-consumer waste, which is regularly reviewed to make further improvements. We provide and encourage the option of eco-friendly and green clothing ranges all of which are available with traceability certificates.

Within our printing service, we opt for water-based inks where possible that have a lower impact and environmentally friendly credentials. Our water-based inks are free of PVC resin and plasticiser, and free of ozone-depleting chemicals and aromatic hydrocarbons. With our lean production and quality control, waste is kept to an absolute minimum and only produced when required.

To further tackle waste, we provide a highly flexible service based on ‘pull flow lean principles’ that allow the ordering of minimum quantities, starting at one for clothing. This principle removes stock, unnecessary shipping and waste from the logistics process to only manufacture what is required. Waste is separated and recycled where possible and discarded garments that are suitable are encouraged to be donated to a charity of choice. For the protection of the produced goods, an eco-box liner can be inserted to avoid the unnecessary waste of individually bagged items. We also importantly recognize that not all plastic use has the same impact. Recycled plastics help reduce the demand for virgin plastic production, conserving valuable resources and energy. When properly collected and recycled, these plastics can extend their lifecycle and minimize their environmental footprint.

To make up for the internal paper use, Involution Ltd is enrolled on a tree-planting initiative to counteract the impact, to keep a healthy equilibrium, intended to have a more positive impact on the environment than negative. We have appointed Environmental Strategies Ltd to provide professional consultancy in environment and energy management to further work towards our 2023 sustainability goals. This includes a full carbon audit, an analysis and a strategy plan adhering to PPN06/21, and we are working toward becoming a carbon-neutral business with a full sustainability program.

To date, our carbon reduction activities include: reducing waste as a by-product by 65% in the last 24 months, installation of low-watt lighting across our entire site, we have replaced 50% of the company transport fleet with electric and are in the process of installing solar roof panels to cover 70% of our annual energy needs. By December 2024, we would like to achieve Net Zero for scopes 1 and 2 of the business, with scope 3 anticipated to be achieved by 2030.

To drive sustainable change within our industry, we are working together with manufacturers, distributors and suppliers within the BPMA, committing to the BPMA’s Pledge Forward initiative. This industry pact with like-minded businesses shows the desire and intent to want to do and be better. In joining forces, we aim to leverage collective knowledge and resources to create a more significant and positive impact in our area of expertise and full cycle for our customers.

With our commitment to improving our environmental performance, we work to exceed environmental guidelines, including Government, legal, customers and suppliers, in all aspects of the service provided. Our commitment is upheld by the management and all who work at Involution Ltd. Annual objectives and targets are set for environmental improvements and efforts which are reviewed and checked regularly.